Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Specialist appt

So we went to a Specialist for Nathan's birthmark last week. We met with a Pediatrician and a Plastic Surgen. The verdict is that his birthmark is nothing to be of concern. THe Dr said that its growth is minimal and that is will dissapear compleatly on its own. It goes through a growth stage then it stops and then it shrinks. 50% are gone by age 5 and 80% by age 8. And it could always go away before that as well. It was reassuring to hear this! We are so happy that we won't have to get it removed. We are hopefull that it will be gone by the time he reaches school. Everybody already asks us what happened to him, I can't imagine what other kids would say. While at the appt we did find out some other stuff. Nathan was born with a heart murmer but we had thought that it went away. Not so. The pesiatrician heard it clearly so she sent us for a EKG. She is confident that it is nothing to worry about but thought we should check it out. So we will know more about that when we go to our Dr.

The last thing we found out is that Nathan is very possibly allergic to Dogs. Nate has had a very deep rough cough for some time, it kind of sounds like he is barking. It has been getting gradually worse and worse. So when I asked my Dr he said it sounded like there was a little phlem build up and gave us some medication. THe medication did nothing. So when we were at the specialist we asked the pediatrition we met with and she asked us a few questions and feels it could quite possibly be the dogs. Tasha's mom has a strong reaction to dogs also. So we will go back to our Dr and talk more about it with him. I don't know if they can specifically test him for this or how they would go about it so I guess we will see. As you can imagine this would be a very bad thing for us. We have two dogs - Meggie a 5 year old black lad cross and Buddy a 5 year old Shiba Inu. If the root of Nate's cough is the dogs then we have a bit of a predicament on our hands.

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