Monday, November 30, 2009

SAMI it is

Samantha is getting to the age where she can spell her name. The problem is her name is so long. The other problem is that we all use a shortened form of her name so we decided it was time to figure out exactly how we would spell that shortened version. We decided to let her choose herself. We gave her four options.


She chose SAMI. We tried mixing the list up and she chose the same three times is a row, so SAMI it will be.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Games Wish list

We are big games fans here at the Best House. We are Big Catan players and have all the expansions and love them. Also Love the Ticket to Ride - have played both North America and Eurpoe. We would like to expand our game repertoire. There has been quite a few games we have heard of over the years that we would love to play and or acquire.

Ticket to Ride Markin
Puerto Rico
Phase 10 - Card game

Have any favorite games not listed that you think we might like?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bite Me??

I don't understand this phrase. It is a phrase that one says in anger to another, or in joking envy or what ever. The problem is what if they followed through? It would not at all be pleasant for the person who said the phrase, it would hurt them. Therefore this phrase is dumb.