Well We went to our Family Dr for a follow up appt for Nate. And the news ain't great. The Dr thinks Nathan probably has asthma and that our dogs are probably the trigger. Since at Nathans age they can not specifically test for either it is more of a guess. The Dr prescribed him a puffer and we are supposed to use that for a week and if it clears up his cough then we have our answer.....asthma it is. The idea is that the Ventolin will not hurt him if he doesn't need it but if he does need it, it will really help. He has been taking it since Wednesday night and we feel his barking cough has significantly lessened. As for the trigger there is no way to be 100% that it is the dogs but it is the most evident. If in a week the Dr feels Asthma is the answer then myself and the kids will probably go to stay with my mom in Medicine Hat(dog free home) for a couple of days. We would take him off the inhaler and see if his cough returns,if it does then it probably isn't the dogs. But if the cough stays away and comes back when we come home we will have a more educated guess that it is the dogs.
Either way it sucks, either we know it is the dogs and they have to go, or its not the dogs but Nathan still has asthma and there is a unknown trigger. Not cool
1 comment:
I cant wait till we move!! then we all can go boating! We will keep you guys in prayer with Nate and his asthma.
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