Saturday, June 30, 2007
First Boating Trip
Our Family is fortunate enough too live in a Lake Community. Nathan is now big enough to wear a PFD so we went for our first Family boat ride. Samantha loved it and would have stayed out longer, but little Nate was not the biggest fan of the PFD so we were only in the boat for like 20 mins. Fun!

Friday, June 29, 2007
Well We went to our Family Dr for a follow up appt for Nate. And the news ain't great. The Dr thinks Nathan probably has asthma and that our dogs are probably the trigger. Since at Nathans age they can not specifically test for either it is more of a guess. The Dr prescribed him a puffer and we are supposed to use that for a week and if it clears up his cough then we have our answer.....asthma it is. The idea is that the Ventolin will not hurt him if he doesn't need it but if he does need it, it will really help. He has been taking it since Wednesday night and we feel his barking cough has significantly lessened. As for the trigger there is no way to be 100% that it is the dogs but it is the most evident. If in a week the Dr feels Asthma is the answer then myself and the kids will probably go to stay with my mom in Medicine Hat(dog free home) for a couple of days. We would take him off the inhaler and see if his cough returns,if it does then it probably isn't the dogs. But if the cough stays away and comes back when we come home we will have a more educated guess that it is the dogs.
Either way it sucks, either we know it is the dogs and they have to go, or its not the dogs but Nathan still has asthma and there is a unknown trigger. Not cool
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Specialist appt
So we went to a Specialist for Nathan's birthmark last week. We met with a Pediatrician and a Plastic Surgen. The verdict is that his birthmark is nothing to be of concern. THe Dr said that its growth is minimal and that is will dissapear compleatly on its own. It goes through a growth stage then it stops and then it shrinks. 50% are gone by age 5 and 80% by age 8. And it could always go away before that as well. It was reassuring to hear this! We are so happy that we won't have to get it removed. We are hopefull that it will be gone by the time he reaches school. Everybody already asks us what happened to him, I can't imagine what other kids would say. While at the appt we did find out some other stuff. Nathan was born with a heart murmer but we had thought that it went away. Not so. The pesiatrician heard it clearly so she sent us for a EKG. She is confident that it is nothing to worry about but thought we should check it out. So we will know more about that when we go to our Dr.
The last thing we found out is that Nathan is very possibly allergic to Dogs. Nate has had a very deep rough cough for some time, it kind of sounds like he is barking. It has been getting gradually worse and worse. So when I asked my Dr he said it sounded like there was a little phlem build up and gave us some medication. THe medication did nothing. So when we were at the specialist we asked the pediatrition we met with and she asked us a few questions and feels it could quite possibly be the dogs. Tasha's mom has a strong reaction to dogs also. So we will go back to our Dr and talk more about it with him. I don't know if they can specifically test him for this or how they would go about it so I guess we will see. As you can imagine this would be a very bad thing for us. We have two dogs - Meggie a 5 year old black lad cross and Buddy a 5 year old Shiba Inu. If the root of Nate's cough is the dogs then we have a bit of a predicament on our hands.
The last thing we found out is that Nathan is very possibly allergic to Dogs. Nate has had a very deep rough cough for some time, it kind of sounds like he is barking. It has been getting gradually worse and worse. So when I asked my Dr he said it sounded like there was a little phlem build up and gave us some medication. THe medication did nothing. So when we were at the specialist we asked the pediatrition we met with and she asked us a few questions and feels it could quite possibly be the dogs. Tasha's mom has a strong reaction to dogs also. So we will go back to our Dr and talk more about it with him. I don't know if they can specifically test him for this or how they would go about it so I guess we will see. As you can imagine this would be a very bad thing for us. We have two dogs - Meggie a 5 year old black lad cross and Buddy a 5 year old Shiba Inu. If the root of Nate's cough is the dogs then we have a bit of a predicament on our hands.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Diaper Dilema
So Little miss Samantha has a new favourite hobby. Taking off her diaper. She now takes it off all the time. It doesn't matter what pants she is wearing, skirts, shorts, pj pants, jeans- she can get them all off, and once she does then her diaper is instanly off too. So now she can't be out of our sight for a minute before she takes it off. The first time it was kind of cute when she walked up to us and handed over her dirty diaper. Then she started to pee on the floor, no so cute anymore. Then to put the icing on the cake today - she pooped on the floor. GROSS. Thank goodness she is a rather solid kid. As soon as I hear her peep on the moniter I am in there, but too late today, I really have no idea how to curb this problem, but something needs to change and fast.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
It's like riding a bike?
They say once you know how you never the same true of swimming? I haven't done any real swimming since before I was pregnant with Samantha. Now I am going to "Try" to recert my NLS(lifeguard award) Am I crazy???? I am going to the pool tonight to practice with Stacey and I am hoping she doesn't get to practice on a real "non swimmer"(me) Here is hoping I don't drown.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Father thy will be done
Now that I have a ipod, I have virtually every cd I have ever bought on it and it is set to shuffle ramdomly. It has kind of been neat to rediscover some older favourites. This song really cought my attention this week. This is my prayer or rather this is what I want my prayer to be - I want it all to be about my Father's Kingdom. Whatever is going on in my life, weather I am walking closly with Jesus or weather I am doubting his presence in my life I do want his Kingdom to come and His will to be done. Whatever that means for me, I'm in. I want His will to be done more that I want my life to be comfortable.
By Carolyn Arends
When I cannot ask for more - Father, thy will be done
When I rail at heaven's door - Father, thy will be done
When my faith in you is strong - Father, thy will be done
When my strength is almost gone - Father, thy will be done
Father, thy will be done
Father, thy will be done
I want to see your kingdom come
Thy will be done
When I cry to you in prayer - Father, thy will be done
When I don't believe you're there - Father, thy will be done
When I feel your gentle hand - Father, thy will be done
When I just don't understand - Father, thy will be done
Repeat chorus
When I'm walking in the light - Father, thy will be done
When my heart is black as night - Father, thy will be done
When you give what I desire - Father, thy will be done
When you take me through the fire - Father, thy will be done
By Carolyn Arends
When I cannot ask for more - Father, thy will be done
When I rail at heaven's door - Father, thy will be done
When my faith in you is strong - Father, thy will be done
When my strength is almost gone - Father, thy will be done
Father, thy will be done
Father, thy will be done
I want to see your kingdom come
Thy will be done
When I cry to you in prayer - Father, thy will be done
When I don't believe you're there - Father, thy will be done
When I feel your gentle hand - Father, thy will be done
When I just don't understand - Father, thy will be done
Repeat chorus
When I'm walking in the light - Father, thy will be done
When my heart is black as night - Father, thy will be done
When you give what I desire - Father, thy will be done
When you take me through the fire - Father, thy will be done
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
*******warning explicit detail of my injury*******
So today the kids had a DR's appt. So as we were sitting in the Dr's office and the Dr had just gave Nathan back to me and he was sitting on my lap. The Dr then tried to get Samantha to come to him and she of course was playing shy so she snuggled up real close to me, head against my chest. I am hugging her telling her it is Okay, when she BITES me. And she bit me hard, right on the nipple. I screamed. It hurt so bad. I was concerened it was going to bleed. The Dr couldn't help but laugh and then went to get her a lolli pop so she could bite on something else, but I think that she thinks she just got a treat for bitting. So this is Samantha's first ever bitting incident and why in the boob? I quit nursing her when she was 10 months old, so it was not like she is used to being there. I sure hope this does not continue.
So today the kids had a DR's appt. So as we were sitting in the Dr's office and the Dr had just gave Nathan back to me and he was sitting on my lap. The Dr then tried to get Samantha to come to him and she of course was playing shy so she snuggled up real close to me, head against my chest. I am hugging her telling her it is Okay, when she BITES me. And she bit me hard, right on the nipple. I screamed. It hurt so bad. I was concerened it was going to bleed. The Dr couldn't help but laugh and then went to get her a lolli pop so she could bite on something else, but I think that she thinks she just got a treat for bitting. So this is Samantha's first ever bitting incident and why in the boob? I quit nursing her when she was 10 months old, so it was not like she is used to being there. I sure hope this does not continue.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007
A near perfect day!
Yesterday was a great day! It was my Birthday - the big 28! Closer to 30 then to 25. We had a awesome day! Fred took the day off work so first we slept in, Samantha slept in also, so we didn't wake up till my mom phoned at 8:45. We then got ready and went for Breakfast.
Breakfast is by far my favourite meal to eat out for but it is the one we do the least. After a great breakfast at ABC country restaurant we then went to Bowness to go to Bow cycle to find some new Biking sandals, because my old biking shoes are now a little snug, and the ones Fred and the kids bought me for Mothers day were too small also. We found a pair that are super comfy and in my size. We then went to the bay in search of a new watch for my birthday. We found and bought a really nice Roots watch. My last two were fossil - 1 I gave to my sister and the other has been broke since Samantha was 1 month old. So it was time for a new one. So I am hoping the quality is good and that I can keep this one for a long time.
Then we came home to let the kids nap and Fred and I got to squeeze in a round of golf (on the wii) and a couple games of tennis.
Then for supper, we ordered in Chinese food from Bills and ate birthday cake - a snickerdoodle cake from the marble slab - Can life get any better then that?
After supper we loaded up the kids and went for a bike ride! Nathan's 1st one ever and our fist one where all four of us went. Sooo Fun and the kids are sooo cute in there helmets in the bike trailer - sad I didn't take a picture.
After that the kids went to bed and Fred and I played some more wii - pool and air hockey. Fun
What a spoiled lady I am ! I can't think of a better way to spend my day. I love my family! Also I received more birthday wishes this year then ever before in my whole life. The power of facebook! Seriously I got a birthday greeting from somebody I haven't seen since the sixth grade. Recieved lots of phone calls and the cutest phone message from my nephew. Also got a very nice card and a wicked lighthouse to add to our nautical display from my good friend Stacey and our children's pastor and friend stopped by with a card filled with very kind words! I am surrounded by kind loving people who I adore! I am blessed!
Breakfast is by far my favourite meal to eat out for but it is the one we do the least. After a great breakfast at ABC country restaurant we then went to Bowness to go to Bow cycle to find some new Biking sandals, because my old biking shoes are now a little snug, and the ones Fred and the kids bought me for Mothers day were too small also. We found a pair that are super comfy and in my size. We then went to the bay in search of a new watch for my birthday. We found and bought a really nice Roots watch. My last two were fossil - 1 I gave to my sister and the other has been broke since Samantha was 1 month old. So it was time for a new one. So I am hoping the quality is good and that I can keep this one for a long time.
Then we came home to let the kids nap and Fred and I got to squeeze in a round of golf (on the wii) and a couple games of tennis.
Then for supper, we ordered in Chinese food from Bills and ate birthday cake - a snickerdoodle cake from the marble slab - Can life get any better then that?
After supper we loaded up the kids and went for a bike ride! Nathan's 1st one ever and our fist one where all four of us went. Sooo Fun and the kids are sooo cute in there helmets in the bike trailer - sad I didn't take a picture.
After that the kids went to bed and Fred and I played some more wii - pool and air hockey. Fun
What a spoiled lady I am ! I can't think of a better way to spend my day. I love my family! Also I received more birthday wishes this year then ever before in my whole life. The power of facebook! Seriously I got a birthday greeting from somebody I haven't seen since the sixth grade. Recieved lots of phone calls and the cutest phone message from my nephew. Also got a very nice card and a wicked lighthouse to add to our nautical display from my good friend Stacey and our children's pastor and friend stopped by with a card filled with very kind words! I am surrounded by kind loving people who I adore! I am blessed!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Welcome to the world Baby Evan
Monday, June 4, 2007
A Family Picture- Finally
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