Wednesday, February 28, 2007

When will I learn?

So I went for a hair cut on Monday, sadly the first one in nearly a year. I have been wearing my hair in a ponytail almost everyday for at least 10 months I figured it was time. So I go to the lady with absolutly no idea what I want, I don't look through magazines to see what I like, I really have no idea. I think I sort of assume they will know what will look best with my head/face shape. So the only thing I say is, I DON"T want it so short I can spike it other then that do what you think will look best. The result......well I don't think I like it. I have bangs now, I haven't had bangs since my first year of College. And my pony tail is long gone. There is no hope of trying to gather what little hair I have left to put up, but it is too long to spike so that is good. The other is not a wake up and go kind of haircut or even a shower and go haircut you have to do it, and if I put on a hat I look like a boy. Oh well I guess it will grow back soon enough. One other thing I notice with this haircut is how dark my hair is now. All traces of blonde are completely gone, even the light brown for that matter, I think I will get it highlighted soon. The sad part is next time my hair is that long I will probably do the same thing- go to someone with out a plan.

1 comment:

Anthony and Kim said...

I am sure your hair isnt that bad, I actually like bangs on you and it will be better in a couple weeks once its started to grow out!