Nathan is now 4 months old. Photos courtesy of uncle Darren. Nathan is such a Happy Boy. He will give almost anybody smiles and coos. People always comment on his big smile. He brings so much Joy. He also is such a strong boy. He loves to stand up - (with help of course) and can support his weight completely- we just balance him. He loves to snuggle and will gladly fall asleep in your arms if given the chance. He is now pretty consistently sleeping for 8 hours at night then he eats and sleeps for 3 more. so I am feeling very well rested. He now also only eats every four hours during the day. Nathan adores his sister and loves it when she plays with him. She will lay on the lower half of his body and he just smiles and laughs. He loves to watch her play, and she certainly loves her brother and is for the most part very gentle with him. We are so blessed to have such healthy, beautiful joyous children. They bring more laughter and love to our lives then we ever though possible.
he is so adorable, I love his smile and those eyes!
Hey Tasha!
I am just getting caught up on reading your blog. I had no idea about your grandma and I was trying to remember if I have seen you since she passed away. It sounds like she had a long and full life but it is still hard for us to see them go. You and your family are in my prayers!
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