Those who know me, would probably say that I am one of, if not the most pickiest eater they know. Marble Slab is a great place for a ice cream treat. For those who have never been it is a ice cream shop that has over a dozen different types of ice cream and just about any kind of topping you can think of. They then mix them on a marble slab to create the ice cream flavour of your choice. Generally speaking I never get anything very crazy- never actually. I normally get Vanilla ice Cream with oreo topping- original eh? Fred likes Choclate PenutButter ice cream with Raspberries. Lastnight while out with a friend I decided to be adventurous. I got the snickerdoodle. Vanilla Ice Cream with snicker bar and hot caramel mixed in. Although not all that adventourous - I felt like I was being daring. SOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD! I am hooked, I might become a addict. I am going to try and convince Fred that we need to go tonight.
I'm proud of you!!!
If you ever need a fix, I like ice cream too...
ok i have wanted to go there so many times! we need to go and get ice cream, i love it!
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