Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Out to Lunch

Well supper actually. Fred and I took the Kids out to Boston Pizza tonight. This is the first time we have went to a actual sit down restaurant with both kids. It didn't go so good. Samantha got a little impatient and did not want to sit in her booster seat. The problem however was not Samantha, I too was getting bored and impatient, but I was able to stay seated. The problem was the lack of staff and the restaurant was packed...Luckily we got there when we did and got a table right away. But we waited for everything else and tried to calm Samantha who was very hungry and thought running around the restaurant would be fun. I think the restaurant industry is where I really see the impact of a growing city and labour shortages. Since when do restaurants have waiting times at 6:00 on a Tuesday?

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