Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm a Big Girl Now

Well actually I am too Big of a girl now. It is time to get serious about weight loss. I did not try to lose weight in between my kids at all. What came off did so by itself. So now I have two pregnancies worth of weight that needs to go. Recently Fred and I found out that we both have elevated Cholesterol, that we need to get down. So Fred and I met with a nutritionist to get started. We know that we don't eat nearly enough Fruit and Vegetables, but I don't think we realized how much we ate. Canada food guide portions are so small. I think Fred and I will be permanently hungry. We also learned what kind of things to stay away from and portion sizes. So although we have a long way to go we are starting! So Yeah for us!

1 comment:

Anthony and Kim said...

Its always so hard to take the first step to do any type of lifestyle change, especaially eating different. If I had the choice I would eat cake all day if I could!! Good for you guys for taking this step, and doing it together always helps!