Sunday, December 16, 2007

Cancer Sucks

I have been pretty fortunate in the fact that Cancer has not personally touched my life until the last year. I have always heard of people with Cancer - somebody always knows somebody that has had it. Infact Fred's dad is a Cancer surviver. However he had it beat before I ever came into the picture.

The last year especially I feel like everywhere I turn there is Cancer, Cancer Cancer. I have a great Aunt who had Cancer and for a while it looked pretty grim - now as far as I know things are looking good. This was soon followed by my Great uncle Ron who was feeling under the weather for a bit thought he might have Pnemonia then Finally went to the Hospital to discover he had lung cancer and died within a week.

Around the time I was attending my great uncles funeral I connected with a old friend from Highschool days, she informed me that another once dear friend Steph had had ovarian Cancer but things seem to be in the clear.

Through facebook and through another friend from long ago I heard of yet another heart-wrenching journey through Cancer. This women I have never met but my heart is saddened - there story can be found at Sadly she just passed away this week.

Also this week we learned that Fred's Grandmother now has Cancer.

And finally tonight I received a call from a old friend to tell me that the other Friend Steph was not in the clear after-all - in fact far from it. Things are pretty bad. The tumors are all over and the her body is so weak from the fight that there is nothing more the Dr.'s can do.

Cancer Sucks . My heart is Sad

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