I am creating a slide show to have playing at my Grandma's memorial this weekend. So one of my cousins sent me a whole bunch of photos. This was among them. It is Grandma standing at her husbands gravestone. My Great Grandparents married in 1931 and they had 49 years together before he died in 1980. She was left missing him for 27 years - nearly my whole life. Until the day she died I never seen Grandma without her rings. My cousin told me she once asked Grandma why she never made a new "friend" and she replied "After having a love like your Grandpa and I had, nothing could compare" Wow! While doing this slide show and seeing pictures of Grams throughout her life I can't help but think of all the things she wasn't able to share with him. I think of all the happy times that would have been better if she could have rejoiced with him. And the sad times that might have been a little easier if she could have grieved with him. I don't think there was a day that went by that she didn't think of him, long for him. Grandma died almost six weeks ago and I bet you she is still catching him up on the happenings of the last 27 years. What a Reunion that would have been!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Oh How she missed him
I am creating a slide show to have playing at my Grandma's memorial this weekend. So one of my cousins sent me a whole bunch of photos. This was among them. It is Grandma standing at her husbands gravestone. My Great Grandparents married in 1931 and they had 49 years together before he died in 1980. She was left missing him for 27 years - nearly my whole life. Until the day she died I never seen Grandma without her rings. My cousin told me she once asked Grandma why she never made a new "friend" and she replied "After having a love like your Grandpa and I had, nothing could compare" Wow! While doing this slide show and seeing pictures of Grams throughout her life I can't help but think of all the things she wasn't able to share with him. I think of all the happy times that would have been better if she could have rejoiced with him. And the sad times that might have been a little easier if she could have grieved with him. I don't think there was a day that went by that she didn't think of him, long for him. Grandma died almost six weeks ago and I bet you she is still catching him up on the happenings of the last 27 years. What a Reunion that would have been!