Monday, April 16, 2007

Like a Child

Sometimes I wish I could express how I feel like a child does. Samantha is a open book, she tells you or rather shows you exactly what she thinks. When Fred walks in the Door at lunch Samantha stops what she is doing and runs to him...huge smile, eyes beaming shouting "daddy daddy daddy!" Sometimes when we are upstairs playing and it is about time for Fred to be home - I let her stand on her toy box and watch for Fred's truck. Same thing "daddy truck, daddy truck when she sees him pull up - she is so loud that Fred can hear her once he opens his door.

On the other side when Samantha is not so happy we also know it. When we are driving in the van and the sun gets is her eyes she just screams....I wish I could do that sometimes when I have a physical discomfort I wish it was acceptable for me to just scream..for example right now I have a very annoying piece of popcorn caught in my gums, I wish it was acceptable for me to just scream...imagine the tension relief.

Sometimes when Samantha is playing with others she is not the best sharer. Younger girls especially seem to bring out the bully in her. And the one she is the absolute worst with is her cousin Elizabeth. If Elizabeth has anything that Samantha wants she crosses the room and takes it. Sometimes if she doesn't think I am watching she will cross the room and just push Elizabeth down and then take the toy. Of course we are right there and don't let her get away with it. I admit sometimes I wish I could do the same thing. When somebody annoys you, don't you kind of wish you could push them down, or sometimes don't you wish you could just take there toy? Shopping in walmart during the Christmas season is so aggravating to me, I always tell Fred I wish I could just flick people in the back of the head - that would make them get out of my way. Of course I don't do this and I never would. But Samantha does.

Also when does burping, tooting become socially unacceptable? When Samantha has a toot she pats her bum and says "mantha stinky" I figure at least she is warning people isn't that better then being horribly embarrassed if one slips out? Or isn't it good that she take responsibility for it rather then being in a room full of people and everyone wondering who made the bad smell.

1 comment:

Stacey Sparshu Miller said...

Oh man, I hear you! When do we all of a sudden "learn" to wear a mask and "keep it all together?"

Thanks for keeping me around so I can learn from your beautiful kids too!