Saturday, September 15, 2007

Best's got Bite!

We are encountering a little problem at our house! Nate has decided he likes to bite! Not Cool. I don't think he knows what he is doing. I don't think he is biting to be mean, I think he is just figuring things out. The problem is - Samantha has been his victim twice. Both times on the arm. Once time left a good bruise. Samantha likes to hug nate and her arm goes in front of his mouth. He has also bit me a couple times in various locations once on the leg once on the shoulder and once on the arm. It is always when he is bury his head into me.

Nathan at 10 months has a mouth full and it hurts! His molars are just breaking through now to accompany the other 8 teeth he already has..

That brings me to a interesting thought that I thought of the other day.

I am crazy afraid of wasps, I don't recall having ever being stung but still I fear them. So much so that I run away and swat and squeal. One time in Medicine Hat while lifeguarding I even fell in the pool off a guard chair while trying to get away from a wasp that had touched my ear. So hear is my funny thought -

Why am I so afraid of such a tiny insect that is not even the size of my fingernail and that I have no recollection of ever hurting me.... yet I readily allow my son who really enjoys biting and has a razor sharp mouth full of chompers to nurse from a sensitive part of my body that I KNOW would hurt me if bitten. Just a little perspective.

Thankfully Nathan has never tried to bite while eating and I hope I will get through the next little bit before he is weaned without incident.

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