Friday, March 30, 2007
Kind of Sad really
So Fred and I bought eachother our anniversary gift early- ipods. Guess what the first thing that went on mine is? Backajardigans! Yep that's right- Backjardigans for Samantha, mission to Mars to be exact. Boinga Boinga.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Shoes on shoes off
Why do Americans wear shoes in the house and why do Canadians not? To come to Canada and walk all over somebodies house and not take your shoes off is so rude and to go to the states and take your shoes off at somebodies house- you are looked at funny and thought to be making yourself quite at home. I don't get the difference? How often do americans have to replace there carpet? Being that we have cream carpet I know how dirty it gets even when I don't where shoes.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Growing up
When did things like the Federal Budget and Health Care issues and Church AGM's become interesting to me? Since I have started mat leave again I somehow have become very intrigued in the news and what is going on around me and I don't know why..I think I may finally be a grown up.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Taxes Done!
YAHOOO we are done are taxes for the year! We even get a bit of a return! Glad to be done for another year. We are big fans of the Quick Tax program, it is sooooooooo easy.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
About 80%
I would say Samantha is about 80% back to normal. She definitely is feeling better and has now been able to eat a couple of meals so is starting to get her energy back. She still is not nearly as smiley as normal and today she preferred to be in the stroller at church rather then run around the gym with the big kids. After church she didn't want to eat but just said "nap" and went to her room. Slowly we are getting there, hopefully not much longer till our happy energetic little girl is back to normal.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
A New Niece!

Welcome to the world Piper Emma-Lina Donner! Fred's Sister Jenny and her husband Mark had there 2nd child today. There 1st child Aurora is 5 days younger then Samantha. Word is she was born around 7:30pm EST and weighs 9lbs 2 oz and 20.5 inches. We are excited for them and can't wait to meet our newest family member!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Still Sick
Samantha is still feeling pretty lousy, she spent the better part of Yesterday sleeping. She continued to throw up and added a pretty good fever to the mix. Last night Fred and I moved her Bed into our room with us, because she was waking up crying a lot and she had really rapid shallow breathing. Since she hadn't thrown up in a couple hours and was feeling really hot we tried to give her some Motrin- it came up almost immediately. So we continued to push the pedialite, waking her up every 15 Min's to give her some for a couple hours, Then she really wanted to cuddle for a while- really I think she wanted to be held as she threw up some more- mainly all over me. She now hasn't thrown up since about 4:00 Am and Fred gave her a couple Cheerios this morning, so far so good she has had 6 cheerios since 7:00 that have not come up, and her breathing is back to normal and the fever is a little lower. The poor thing must be starving- this is the most she has kept in since 6:00PM on TUESDAY. I hate seeing her so sick- I feel so helpless. We miss her smile, we pray this passes soon.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
1st Hospital Visit
Well we got to experience the new children's hospital last night. Samantha continued to get sick all day long so I called into the Health Link and they suggested we take her in. They are pretty sure she has a viral infection of some sort and she was starting to get quite dehydrated, so they tried to put a IV in but it didn't work. One nurse tried to put it in her hands, but the vein burst both times and then a different nurse tried in each of her feet- again they burst. So instead we had to wake her every 10 Min's to give her a syringe of pedialite. She has not thrown up since about 3:00Am and we left the Hospital about 4:00. We are hopeful we have seen the worst and she will get back to her regular bubbly self. They said it is crazy contagious so not to be surprised if we all get it! FUN. Hopefully it will skip us. I just got a email from a friend that we were with on Sunday and she said her little girl is pretty sick too so maybe they caught it together?
So the children's hospital is very nice and the staff is fantastic. We did however wait for quite a long time. Fred and I have come to the conclusion We would rather a long wait then a serious sickness that made her a priority.
We are thankfull she is okay.
So the children's hospital is very nice and the staff is fantastic. We did however wait for quite a long time. Fred and I have come to the conclusion We would rather a long wait then a serious sickness that made her a priority.
We are thankfull she is okay.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Poor Samantha
Samantha is not feeling so hot today- well actually she is a little warm. I don't know what it is but it is not fun for anyone. First the poor girl woke up after getting sick all over her bed and pillow and hair. Then after a bath we went downstairs to eat, she didn't eat that much at all, then we came upstairs to the play room, she didn't quite make it before getting sick again all over herself- hence no shirt and all over the stairs. She cries and I of course comfort her only for her to get sick all over me. I think it is going to be a long day. She is laying on her couch watching backjardigans, I think it will be a tv day....what else can you do with a sick kid who doesn't want to sleep?
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Out to Lunch
Well supper actually. Fred and I took the Kids out to Boston Pizza tonight. This is the first time we have went to a actual sit down restaurant with both kids. It didn't go so good. Samantha got a little impatient and did not want to sit in her booster seat. The problem however was not Samantha, I too was getting bored and impatient, but I was able to stay seated. The problem was the lack of staff and the restaurant was packed...Luckily we got there when we did and got a table right away. But we waited for everything else and tried to calm Samantha who was very hungry and thought running around the restaurant would be fun. I think the restaurant industry is where I really see the impact of a growing city and labour shortages. Since when do restaurants have waiting times at 6:00 on a Tuesday?
Sunday, March 11, 2007
What Happened?
I have quite a few scars, and I can account for most of them, lots from chicken pox as a kid and lots from fights with my older sister who had long nails. I even have one from when I rolled a go-kart and another from when I broke my finger and the bone poked out. I have a big one on my shin from when I ran in to the ball hitch on my old car, (do you remember that kim?). But I have one fairly substantial scar above my elbow that I have no idea where it came from....Like anybody even remotly cares to know this info, but I rediscovered it today and that was my big thought of the day, what happened?
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
A Tasty treat

Those who know me, would probably say that I am one of, if not the most pickiest eater they know. Marble Slab is a great place for a ice cream treat. For those who have never been it is a ice cream shop that has over a dozen different types of ice cream and just about any kind of topping you can think of. They then mix them on a marble slab to create the ice cream flavour of your choice. Generally speaking I never get anything very crazy- never actually. I normally get Vanilla ice Cream with oreo topping- original eh? Fred likes Choclate PenutButter ice cream with Raspberries. Lastnight while out with a friend I decided to be adventurous. I got the snickerdoodle. Vanilla Ice Cream with snicker bar and hot caramel mixed in. Although not all that adventourous - I felt like I was being daring. SOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD! I am hooked, I might become a addict. I am going to try and convince Fred that we need to go tonight.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Another Month Gone by

Nathan is now 4 months old. Photos courtesy of uncle Darren. Nathan is such a Happy Boy. He will give almost anybody smiles and coos. People always comment on his big smile. He brings so much Joy. He also is such a strong boy. He loves to stand up - (with help of course) and can support his weight completely- we just balance him. He loves to snuggle and will gladly fall asleep in your arms if given the chance. He is now pretty consistently sleeping for 8 hours at night then he eats and sleeps for 3 more. so I am feeling very well rested. He now also only eats every four hours during the day. Nathan adores his sister and loves it when she plays with him. She will lay on the lower half of his body and he just smiles and laughs. He loves to watch her play, and she certainly loves her brother and is for the most part very gentle with him. We are so blessed to have such healthy, beautiful joyous children. They bring more laughter and love to our lives then we ever though possible.
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