Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Where did all the Mom's go?

A friend Mentioned to me that in all the big Disney Movies there is no Mom. There is always a dad but no Mom. Aladdin, Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Finding Nemo. There is lots of Movies I have not seen in a long time so don't know - Snow white, Sleeping Beuaty do these have Moms? I can't say. Even in Bambi the mom dies. Why is this? Is there any movies that it is just the Character and the mom? I don't understand the reasoning.....

*****I am wrong***I am at my Aunts watching Lion King for the first time in years and years and the Mom is in it.


Linda said...

Where else could they be?? In the kitchen where they belong! of course or maybe in the laundry room? Ha ha.

Stacey Sparshu Miller said...

sleeping beauty shows the mom...finding nemo's mom story is just sad... a lot like bambi...but you're right, where are they all??!! Beauty and the Beast? Where's mom there? Uh oh...the things I hadn't thought of...

Jen said...

Don't forget the Fox and the Hound... my daughter has a complex about death and dying especially her mom. She keeps asking who her step mom will be.