Monday, July 23, 2007

Oh so Loney

Well we have found great homes for our Dogs. Meggie our Lab went to join the Bray family (Fred Sister and Fam) where she has another dog to play with as well as our niece who I hear is quite fond of Meggie! And Buddy went to live with a family from our Church. The have two absolutely amazing girls who really were excited to have a dog and they were able to talk there parents into it. Both dogs seem to be adjusting to there new surroundings and I have a feeling are being loved to pieces! So I am happy to know where they are and to be able to check in on them and see how they are doing.

We here are very much missing there presence. I truly can not believe what a messy eater Samantha is, normally after we are done eating the dogs come to do the floor clean up. meal time clean up is a lot slower without them.

The other time I especially feel the dogs absence is when we come home. It doesn't matter if we were only gone 5 Min's or for the whole day, the dogs were always at the door so excited to see us, I really miss that. It is sad to walk through the door now.

Another area where I really miss the dogs which surprised me is the feeling of security I have when they are here. Meggie is truly a suck and completely harmless but her Bark sounds vicious. Somebody would have to be really really brave to try and get in our house when Meggie doesn't know them. I really liked how safe they made us feel. Fred thinks I am kind of goofy, he thinks we are just as safe as we have always been. Maybe I am just a scared girl with irrational fears I don't know, but I do know the dogs made me feel safer.

I really miss them but I know it is what we had to do. They both are in fantastic homes. On the positive side Nathan is really doing great, the couch is almost completely gone and we are reducing the use of the inhaler.

1 comment:

JeanMac said...

So glad you found good homes - I totally understand the "loss of security" feeling when they are gone.After our shep passed away, it took some adjusting to feel secure. Men don't understand:)