Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Life Lessons from my 3 yr old

Samantha has recently become intrigued with the idea of winning. I tell her to get dressed and when she is done she says " Mama I winned" At meal times when she finishes she says "I winned" and when Nathan finishes "Mama Nathan winned too" We've been kind of laughing at this, but have been thinking maybe we should correct her. The other day the kids were racing and Sammie got to the destination first "I win Mama I win" then she continued to Cheer for Nate "Come on Bro you can win too" When Nate reached the destination she yelled "You did it Nate! You wined too" Besides the bad grammar I think I can learn lessons from her. It sounds cheesy but to win is to Finnish - Samantha gets it. And I love how she at this young age already knows how to support and cheer for her brother. To celebrate his successes also. I pray this is something she will continue throughout her life.

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