Monday, April 23, 2007

Uncle Ronnie

Last Thursday I received word that my Great Uncle Ronnie had Cancer, quite progressed and aggressive, It sounded pretty bad my mom said. I just seen my Uncle Ronnie on the 14th at my Grandma J's memorial. He seemed fine - a little mellow perhaps but I didn't give it a second thought- we were at a memorial after all.

Uncle Ronnie is a Tall Robust man. Dark hair and Dark beard. I don't know why but he has always reminded me of a lumberjack. He has always appeared so gruff but he has always been a big softy. He just turned 60 last August.

This morning my mom called to say that the Doctor gave him two days and they had moved him to palliative care. He didn't last that long and died this evening at 7:30. I guess he had been feeling under the weather for a couple month's. He thought he had pneumonia. He finally went to the Dr on Tuesday and was admitted to the hospital right away.

I feel very sad for his family. His youngest grandchildren are twins and they just turned one this month. His youngest daughter didn't get there in time. She lives in Fort St john and had to fly to Calgary then rent a car to drive to Medicine Hat - she was about 1/2 hour away. They were all together last weekend and they had no idea that would be the last time.

I am realising more and more that Life on earth is so short, and so out of our control.

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