So this is the winning Before Picture! Fred (with some help) nominated me to win Breakfast Televisions TAKEOVER MAKEOVER. It is valued at $2500. I am partnered with a Personal Stylist . First she came to my house to see what I have and do a polite What not to wear. We then hit the Core with $1000 dollars for shopping. Karen Judge the Stylist guides me in picking out new clothes. Next is hair here, followed by makeup here. On Friday the 30th of November I will be revealed live on Breakfast Television. SO FUN! I still can't believe I won. Those who know will admit that I really do need help with my lack of style and it is fun to have somebody else just tell me what to do! If left to my own devices it is acurate to say I wear nothing but T-shirts and Jeans! I have enjoyed the process so far and I am looking forward to a new haircut! Stay tuned for after shots!